Travel Book is a project developed by LG Minho with testimonies from our members that traveled with ESTIEM.
With this concept we want to give our travelers the opportunity to share what these experiences mean to them. Giving their visions about the different types of events, sharing what they learnt, how they chose the right event for them and all the surprises that ESTIEM spirit can add to the gift that is traveling, they can encourage every member who is still afraid to aim this high.

“Don’t be afraid to aim high!”
Who doesn’t like to travel?
ESTIEMers have the opportunity to add the personal and professional growth to this passion and our members can share it with everyone.
LG Minho is so proud of its active members and what they achieve.
Do you want to meet LG Minho travelers?
Click on the photos of the events to learn more about the experience of each one of them. They are happy to let you know their testimony and help you take the step of aiming higher!
Pedro Silva
Trainers Community CoM
LG Kyiv, Ukraine
17th to 20th February 2020

LG Exchange with Brussels
LG Brussels, Belgium

Minho visits Brussels
2nd to 7th March 2020
LG Exchange with Seville
LG Seville, Spain
25th February to 1st March 2020

LG Minho 6th Board
South West Regional CoM
LG Seville, Spain
1st to 6th March 2020

Minho visits Seville
Diogo Silva
Be a Project Manager for 5 Days
LG Belgrade, Serbia
2nd to 8th March 2020

LG Porto, Portugal
8th to 15th March 2020

Sara Faria

Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial da Universidade do Minho
Alameda da Universidade, Dept. Produção e Sistemas, Campus de Azurém
4800-058 Guimarães
NIF: 510 438 288
Email: neegium@dps.uminho.pt
Documentação RGAs
©2021 Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial da Universidade do Minho. Todos os Direitos Reservados.