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“Don’t be afraid to aim high!”

Diogo Silva

Be a Project Manager for 5 Days
LG Belgrade, Serbia
2nd to 8th March 2020

I applied for “Be a Project Manager for 5 Days” because I was curious about the theme and about the culture of a country so different from ours.

Academically, it was a very complete event, where I learnt numerous tools for project development. After theoretical sessions, we had the opportunity to work with various companies, solve a case study from Ikea and develop our own project. While we were learning new things and putting that knowledge in practice, we were creating a great relation between four people from different nationalities.

It was impressive the hospitality of the organizers that made me feel at home during all week. I’m sure that their dedication had an important role in the energy and fun of the event, every day and night.

Finally, I must highlight the beauty of Belgrade. It’s a city full of culture and history with beautiful landscapes and details.

I couldn't be more grateful to have had the opportunity to grow this much both personally and professionally, only in a week.

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Do you know what a Be X for X days is?

Be X for X Days it's a recently developed event and as the name implies during the event the participants have the chance to work on one of the IEM possible careers. During X Days the participants take part on lectures and workshops regarding the career explored in the event with a strong connection with companies and institutions.

About LG Belgrade


Belgrade, Serbia

Local Group Belgrade was founded in 2006 by a small group of enthusiasts from the Faculty of Organization Sciences and became an oficial member in 2007.


Nowadays, it counts more than 150 members and it's a very dynamic local group.

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